Kolektiv 318
Kolektiv 318 is a gallery devoted to contemporary design in relation to 20th Century architecture movements, from Constructivism to Brutalism. Established in 2016 at UNESCO World Heritage-listed Le Corbusier Housing Unit in Marseille, we curated a selection of graphic and design objects inspired by these movements. We also edit our own selection, including original creations commissioned to emerging and established designers and artists, as well as collaborations with Le Corbusier Foundation. Our strong bond to Central and Eastern Europe Kolektiv led us to collaborate with half a dozen public institutions and a number of artists from this region in relation to the workshops, exhibitions and lectures we regularly co-organize, as we did recently in Marseille, Paris, Prague, Warsaw, Tallinn or Kaunas.
Unité d’Habitation Le Corbusier
280 Boulevard Michelet
13008 Marseille