Anastasia Sosunova “Strong Water”

Roots to Routes

Les Parallèles du sud – Manifesta 13 Marseille

28.08. – 25.10.2020


Curated by Merilin Talumaa, Maija Rudovska, Justė Kostikovaitė


Strong Water

Anastasia Sosunova

October 22, 2020

Cité Air-Bel


At the end of October, a week before the lockdown, artist Anastasia Sosunova held a workshop for local kids with Mina Chu, a designer from the Cabanon Vertical, the multidisciplinary team for creating in urban space. In collaboration with the Air-Bel–northern Marseille’s neighbourhood’s cultural association and library “Acelem” Anastasia was teaching kids etching techniques, collage and printing to create artworks that respond to the surrealist history of the Cité Air-Bel, where during WWII the Surrealists found refuge at the vast property erected near the banks of the Huveaune river in Marseille.

Anastasia Sosunova is a visual artist based in Vilnius. Her multidisciplinary practice is comprised of video, installation, sculpture, graphic art and writing. Sosunova manipulates personal stories, images that define locations and subtle material gestures people leave behind in the environments they inhabit. Recent exhibitions and screenings include: Kogo, Tartu; online pavilion of the Wrong BiennaIe; I: project space, Beijing; Contemporary Art Center, Rupert and Editorial, Vilnius; The Sunroom, Richmond and other. Recent residencies: Rupert in Vilnius, Achterhaus Ateliers in Hamburg, Fynske Akademie in Odense.


Photos by Mina Chu (Cabanon Vertical) and Justė Kostikovaitė.